Monday, May 25, 2009

File cases for giving dowry

In most of the 498A complaints lodged against husbands it is found that the girl's family says, " We gave X amount of dowry" added with the allegation that it was demanded. However, dowry giving is also an equal crime as per Section 3 of the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 as much as abetting it is. Even witnesses give their statements that they saw the dowry being given.

Please remember if there is a case against you and your family for demanding and taking dowry on the basis of the statements given by complainant wife and her well-wishers, then a similar case for giving and abetting also needs to be registered against the complainant wife and her well-wishers for being parties to giving dowry and abetting its exchange.

Some key points to be noted however,

1. Filing a case for "Giving Dowry" against complainant wife and her well-wishers does not mean tacit admission of "Taking Dowry" because there is a difference between giving and taking. For taking to happen, giving is a mandatory condition but the reverse is not true. For all practical purposes the dowry could be offered by dowry givers and the people offered can reject to take it. However, in this case the crime of Dowry Giving and Abetment of Dowry giving has happened and the people involved therein need to be prosecuted for this. 

2. For the 498A cases mentioned, there is prima facie evidence available in the form of "Voluntary Confessional Admission" by the complainant wife and her well-wishers that they gave dowry.

3. Although Section 7 of the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 does provide immunity to the complainant against prosecution but remember, that the immunity is available only in that instance of Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 under which case of "Dowry demand and taking" is running. This means that we cannot arraign the accused in the same case under section 319 of the CrPC. However, nothing stops the husband from filing a new case based on their confessional admission. And in that case the husband (complainant herein) shall be provided the immunity.

Keeping in mind all these points, all the husbands who are facing false allegations of dowry demand and dowry taking against them have a moral bound duty to get the Section 3 of the Dowry Prohibition implemented in its entirety in letter and spirit.

So all dear husbands, rain on the system with complaints that you came to know that you have taken dowry only via the FIR on you and file cases for giving dowry to you as per their own admission. The society shall get back from husbands what it has given them.

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Anonymous Swarup said...

3. Penalty for giving or taking dowry.- [(Note: Section 3 re-numbered as sub-section (1) thereof by Act No.63 of 1984, sec.3) (1)] If any person, after the commencement of this Act, gives or takes or abets the giving or taking of dowry, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than [(Note: Subs. by Act 43 of 1986, Sec.3) five years, and with fine which shall not be less than fifteen thousand rupees or the amount of the value of such dowry, whichever is more:]

Provided that the Court may, for a adequate and special reasons to be recorded in he judgment, impose a sentence of imprisonment of a term of less than [(Note: Subs. by Act 43 of 1986, Sec.3) five years.]

(2) [(Note: Ins. by Act 63 of 1984, sec.3) Nothing is sub section (1) shall apply to, or in relation to, -

(a) Presents which are given at the time of a marriage to the bride (without any demand having been made in that behalf).

(b) Presents which are given at the time of a marriage to the bridegroom (without any demand having been made in that behalf).

Provided that such presents are entered in a list maintained in accordance with the rules made under this Act.

Provided further that where such presents are made by or on behalf of the bride or any person related to the bride, such presents are of a customary nature and the value thereof is not excessive having regard to the financial status of the person by whom, or on whose behalf, such presents are given .

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Swarup said...

Along with that the extrotion, threat to harm or injurey, cheating IPC also to be attached.
Certain items to be mentioned as they had given dowry , inspite of your refusal.
The best is , before she move to complin , people are pre 498a stage , aslo their demdna of dowry in the form of money and property form husabnds family.
read the dowry law :
2. Definition of ‘dowry’.- In this Act, "dowry" means any property or valuable security given or agreed to be given either directly or indirectly.

(a) By one party to a marriage to the other party to the marriage, or
(b) By the parent of either party to a marriage or by any other person, , to either party to the marriage or to any other person,

At or before [(Note: Subs. by Act 43 of 1986, sec.2) or any time after the marriage] [(Note: Subs. by Act 63 of 1984, sec.2) in connection with the marriage of the said parties, but does not include] dower or mahr in the case or persons to whom the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) applied.

(Note: Explanation I omitted by act 63 of 1984, sec.2).

Explanation II- The expression "valuable security" has the same meaning as in section 30 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).

10:32 PM  

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